Kiss The Rain Kalimba Tabs & Chords | Yiruma

Yiruma is someone who is not only a genius but also someone who is a maestro and his Kiss the Rain is just wonderful. So here is the Kiss the rain Kalimba tabs and chords. The tabs provided here are in the letter and number notes format. Despacito Kalimba Tabs, Photograph Kalimba Tabs and Can’t Help Falling In Love Kalimba Tabs, this song’s tabs are also very simple and easy and can be played fluently by the beginners as well. However the advanced tabs and chords are also present here.

Kiss The Rain Kalimba Tabs & Chords (Number Notes)

Version 1 (Easy)

5 1° 2° 2° 3° 3°
1° 2° 3° 2° 5° 5°
5° 6° 7° 7° 1°° 1°°
2°° 3°° 2°° 1°° 7°
1°° 7° 5° 5° 6° 6°

5° 4° 4° 5° 5°
1° 2° 3° 3° 4° 4°
5° 4° 3° 3° 2° 4°
5 1° 2° 2° 3° 3°
1° 2° 3° 2° 5° 5°
5° 6° 7° 7° 1°° 1°°
2°° 3°° 2°° 1°° 7°
1°° 7° 5° 5° 6° 6°
5° 4° 4° 5° 5°
1° 2° 3° 3° 4° 4°
6 1° 7 1°

Version 2 (Advanced)

5 1° 2°2°3°3° 1°2°3°2° 5°5°
5°6°7°7°1°°1°° 2°°3°°2°° 1°°7°
1°°7°5°5°6°6° 5°4°4° 5°5°
1°2°3°3° 4°4° 5°4° 3°3° 2°2°

51° 2°2°3°3° 1°2°3°2° 5°5°
5°6°7°7°1°°1°° 2°°3°°2°° 1°°7°
1°°7°5°5°6°6° 5°4°4° 5°5°
1°2°3°3° 4°4° 6 1° 71°

1°3° 5°6° 1°7 6°5°
1°1°5°5°4°4° 3°2° 1°2°3°3°
1°3°5°6° 6°6°7°5°
3°4°5° 4°3°4° 5°6° 7°1°° 3°°2°°2°°

51° 2°2°3°3° 1°2°3°2° 5°5°
5°6°7°7°1°°1°° 2°°3°°2°° 1°°7°
1°°7°5°5°6°6° 5°4°4° 5°5°
1°2°3°3° 4°4° 5°4° 3°3° 2°2°

5 1° 2°2°3°3° 1°2°3°2° 5°5°
5°6°7°7°1°°1°° 2°°3°°2°° 1°°7°
1°°7°5°5°6°6° 5°4°4° 5°5°
1°2°3°3° 4°4° 6 1° 71°

Kiss The Rain Kalimba Chords & Tabs (Letter Notes)

Version 1 (Easy)

G C° D° D° E° E°
C° D° E° D° G° G°
G° A° B° B° C°° C°°
D°° E°° D°° C°° B°
C°° B° G° G° A° A°

G° F° F° G° G°
C° D° E° E° F° F°
G° F° E° E° D° F°
G C° D° D° E° E°
C° D° E° D° G° G°
G° A° B° B° C°° C°°
D°° E°° D°° C°° B°
C°° B° G° G° A° A°
G° F° F° G° G°
C° D° E° E° F° F°
A C° B C°

Version 2 (Advanced)

G C° D°D°E°E° C°D°E°D° G°G°
G°A°B°B°C°°C°° D°°E°°D°° C°°B°
C°°B°G°G°A°A° G°F°F° G°G°
C°D°E°E° F°F° G°F° E°E° D°D°

GC° D°D°E°E° C°D°E°D° G°G°
G°A°B°B°C°°C°° D°°E°°D°° C°°B°
C°°B°G°G°A°A° G°F°F° G°G°
C°D°E°E° F°F° A C° BC°

C°E° G°A° C°B A°G°
C°C°G°G°F°F° E°D° C°D°E°E°
C°E°G°A° A°A°B°G°
E°F°G° F°E°F° G°A° B°C°° E°°D°°D°°

GC° D°D°E°E° C°D°E°D° G°G°
G°A°B°B°C°°C°° D°°E°°D°° C°°B°
C°°B°G°G°A°A° G°F°F° G°G°
C°D°E°E° F°F° G°F° E°E° D°D°

G C° D°D°E°E° C°D°E°D° G°G°
G°A°B°B°C°°C°° D°°E°°D°° C°°B°
C°°B°G°G°A°A° G°F°F° G°G°
C°D°E°E° F°F° A C° BC°

Kiss the rain is nothing but a soulful rendition. The melody is simply soothing and refreshing. Yiruma has done an exceptional job by gifting us this masterpiece. His compositions are beyond all praise and you cannot help but find yourself attracted and addicted to the songs for days. And this song is no exception to this fact. This melody is gentle and has no exciting or fast beats. The song was released years back but still sounds fresh as the morning dew. The song belongs to the famous album From the Yellow Room. This enchanting number harmonises well with the relaxed and overwhelmed mood.

Song Credits

Artist: Yiruma
Album: From the Yellow Room
Released: 2003

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