Through the Years Kalimba Tabs & Chords | Kenny Rogers
Kenny Rogers is a legend. He is an icon and he will always remain immortal to us. His timeless classics and those magnificent compositions will keep you enticed and bewitched. His vocals have magic in them which is why his velvety smooth vocals keep us totally amazed and stunned. Therefore, for all the Kenny Rogers fans like us, here we present before you the Through the years Kalimba tabs and chords. A beautiful love song with a gentle and sweet tune and some stirring lyrics, this song is all about true love and how it never dies. We have seen couples who have been going strong over 20 years. This is a song about them. This melody celebrates love. It glorifies the bonds and focuses on how people last together through the years. That is why, even if you are a beginner, play the Kalimba tabs as number and letter notes of Through the years and eulogize your love till eternity.
Through the Years Kalimba Tabs & Number Notes
5 (1 3 5) 1° 1° 2° (3 3°) 2° (1° 6) (5 7 2°) 1° 2° 6 (6 1°)
1° 1° 2° 2° 3° (3° 3) 5 7 2 2° (2° 7 5) 5 2° (1° 1) 6 5
5 1° 2° (3° 3) 4° 3° 2° (1° 6) 6 2° (3° 3) 4° 3° 2° 1°
1° 2° 3° 4° (5° 3) 5° 1° 1° (4 4°) 3° 1° 3° (5 7 2°)
1° 6° (5° 1) 3 5 5° (5° 3) 3° 4° 5° (4 4°) 4° (5 7 2° 4°) 3° 2° 7° (5° 3) 5 7
5° (5° 3) 3° 3° 5° (5° 4) 4° 4° 3° (5 7 2°) 7° 6° (5° 3) 5 7
5° (5° 6) 3° 4° 5° (4 4°) 7° (7° 5) 4° 5° 3° (5° 3) 5 7
5° (5° 6) 3° 4° 5° 3° 2° 1° 6 1° 2° (3° 3) 2° 1° (1° 3) 1° (1° 1 3 5)
Through the Years Kalimba Chords & Letter Notes
G (C E G) C° C° D° (E E°) D° (C° A) (G B D°) C° D° A (A C°)
C° C° D° D° E° (E° E) G B D D° (D° B G) G D° (C° C) A G
G C° D° (E° E) F° E° D° (C° A) A D° (E° E) F° E° D° C°
C° D° E° F° (G° E) G° C° C° (F F°) E° C° E° (G B D°)
C° A° (G° C) E G G° (G° E) E° F° G° (F F°) F° (G B D° F°) E° D° B° (G° E) G B
G° (G° E) E° E° G° (G° F) F° F° E° (G B D°) B° A° (G° E) G B
G° (G° A) E° F° G° (F F°) B° (B° G) F° G° E° (G° E) G B
G° (G° A) E° F° G° E° D° C° A C° D° (E° E) D° C° (C° E) C° (C° C E G)
Video Tutorial
Song Credits
Artist: Kenny Rogers
Album: Share Your Love
Released: 1981
Genres: Country music, Country