Clair de Lune Kalimba Tabs & Chords | Moonlight Theme | Claude Debussy
Instrumental pieces have a different fan base. They are just enchanting and can keep you enthralled and speechless. Western classical music has gifted us with a lot of gems like this and we don’t have to name them as all of you must be familiar with Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, Brahms and Chopin, isn’t it? So for all you piano lovers out there, here we present to you the easy Claire de Lune Kalimba tabs and chords. A timeless masterpiece by Claude Debussy, this melody was the pioneer of the Suite bergamasque movement. A French song meaning Moonlight, the music was composed on Verlaine’s poem that has the same name. A gentle and surreal melody, this piece harmonizes quite well with the relaxed and the contemplative mood. You can try this number on your Kalimba as it comes under one of the easy Kalimba songs and we have provided here the Kalimba notes of Claire de Lune in the letter and number format so that the beginners can also try them out without any trouble.
Clair de Lune Kalimba Tabs & Number Notes
(5 3) (5° 3°) (3° 1°) (6 4) (2° 7) (3° 1°) (2° 7)
(5 3) (1° 6) (2° 7) (1° 6) 3° 1° (4 2) (7 5) (1° 6) (7 5)
(4 1 2) 6 7 6 2° 6 (5 2 4) 6 5
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(1° 5 6) 3° 4° 3° 6° 3° (2° 4) 3° 2°
(4 1 2) 1° 2° 1° (7 5)
1 5 1° (5° 3°) (3° 1°) 1 (2° 4 6) 3° 2°
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1 (1° 5 7) 2° (6° 3°) 5° 3°
3 (2° 6) 3° 2° 1° 6 (1° 1 3 5)
Clair de Lune Kalimba Chords & Letter Notes
(G E) (G° E°) (E° C°) (A F) (D° B) (E° C°) (D° B)
(G E) (C° A) (D° B) (C° A) E° C° (F D) (B G) (C° A) (B G)
(F C D) A B A D° A (G D F) A G
(D C) F° G° F° (E° B)
(C° G A) E° F° E° A° E° (D° F) E° D°
(F C D) C° D° C° (B G)
C G C° (G° E°) (E° C°) C (D° F A) E° D°
E (C° G) D° (G° C° E°) (E° C° E) F (D° F A) E° D° C°
C (C° G B) D° (A° E°) G° E°
E (D° A) E° D° C° A (C° C E G)
Video Tutorial
Clair de Lune Kalimba PDF

How to play Claire de Lune on Kalimba
As you see the easy Claire de Lune Kalimba tabs and chords right in front of you, allow us to help you on how to play Claire de Lune on Kalimba. A very simple kalimba song for beginners, you can play this classic fluently if you just follow either the Kalimba number notes or the letter notes of this number. Firstly, check the detailed video tutorial that we have provided above. Then check out the Kalimba chords and the imprinted keys on your Kalimba. Play the corresponding tab on your instrument and in no time, you will find yourself playing and chiming on this captivating piece of bliss on a relaxed lazy afternoon with your close ones.
Song Credits
Artist: Claude Debussy
Album: Moonlight