Let It Go Kalimba Tabs & Chords | Frozen
Let it go is a song that simply needs no introduction. It is a melody that is perhaps known to everyone living on this planet. That is why, here we will put down before you the Let it go Kalimba tabs and chords. A song from the Disney film Frozen, this track is all about moving forward and letting everything go. Sung by the amazing Idina Menzel, this melody when listened to in solitude will give you a different level of peace and contentment. Though the lyrics indicate the context of the film, they can be interpreted metaphorically too. Often turning your back on unpleasant situations can help you grow a lot and is often times good for you. This melody gives you that courage to turn back and move on from it. Thus, the Kalimba letter and number tabs of Let it go have been presented here just for the beginners and amateurs to enjoy the surreal experience of playing this beautiful song.
Let It Go Kalimba Tabs & Number Notes
Kalimba Tuning: 2°° 7°b 5° 3° 1° 6 4 2 1 3 5 7b 2° 4° 6° 1°° 3°°
3°4° 6 3°4° 4°3° 6 4°3°
2°3° 5 2°3° 51° 7b
3°4° 6 3°4° 4°3° 6 4°3°
2°3° 5 2°3° 51° 7b
666 66 544 4455 432
666 1°1° 66 455 545
66 1°2° 1°6 1°1° 1° 7b 6 7b 6
66 545 66 542
55 1°1° 55 1°2° 2°1°2°1° 2°3°4° 3°3°
55 1°1° 55 1°2° 1°2°3°4°
2°3°4° 1°1°5° 4° 2°2°2° 2°3°4°
2°3°4° 1°6°5° 4°5°6°6° 7°b 6°5°4°5°4°
1°°6°5° 4°4° 1°°6°4° 4°4° 3°4°1°°
7b 7b6 7b6 7b6 4
4° 1°4°5° 5°4°3°4°
666 66 44 441°1° 7b65°
666 1°2° 1°1° 1°1° 4°4° 3° 2°2°
55 1°1° 55 2°2° 2°1°2°1° 2°3°4° 3°3°
55 1°1° 55 2°2° 1°2°3°4°
2°3°4° 1°1°5° 4° 2°2°2° 2°3°4° 5°4°
2°3°4° 1°6°5° 4°5°6°6°7°b 6°5°4°5°4°
1°°6°5° 4°4° 1°°6°4° 4°4° 3°1°1°
7b 7b6 7b6 7b6 4
Let It Go Kalimba Chords & Letter Notes
Kalimba Tuning: 2°° 7°b 5° 3° 1° 6 4 2 1 3 5 7b 2° 4° 6° 1°° 3°°
E°F° A E°F° F°E° A F°E°
D°E° G D°E° GC° Bb
E°F° A E°F° F°E° A F°E°
D°E° G D°E° GC° Bb
AA C°D° C°A C°C° C° Bb A Bb A
GG C°C° GG C°D° D°C°D°C° D°E°F° E°E°
GG C°C° GG C°D° C°D°E°F°
D°E°F° C°C°G° F° D°D°D° D°E°F°
D°E°F° C°A°G° F°G°A°A° B°b A°G°F°G°F°
C°°A°G° F°F° C°°A°F° F°F° E°F°C°°
Bb BbA BbA BbA F
F° C°F°G° G°F°E°F°
AAA C°D° C°C° C°C° F°F° E° D°D°
GG C°C° GG D°D° D°C°D°C° D°E°F° E°E°
GG C°C° GG D°D° C°D°E°F°
D°E°F° C°C°G° F° D°D°D° D°E°F° G°F°
D°E°F° C°A°G° F°G°A°A°B°b A°G°F°G°F°
C°°A°G° F°F° C°°A°F° F°F° E°C°C°
Bb BbA BbA BbA F
Video Tutorial
Song Credits
Artist: Idina Menzel
Movie: Frozen
Released: 2013